
Cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub
Cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub

cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub

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Skip trial 1 month free Find out wh圜lose Card Captor Sakura Case Opening Team Ready-2-Lose Loading. Watch Queue Queue _count_/_total_ YouTube Premium Loading. Piffle Princess Co.Watch QueueQueueWatch QueueQueue Remove allDisconnect The next video is startingstop Loading.Arisu Fujisaki, as a Fairy Park's visitor ( Angelic Layer).The Receptionist of the training center, as a Fairy Park's employee ( Angelic Layer).Kaede Saitou, as a Fairy Park's employee ( Angelic Layer).Madoka Fujisaki, as a Fairy Park's employee (Angelic Layer).Shouko Asami, as a Fairy Park's employee (Angelic Layer).Shuuko Suzuhara, as a Fairy Park's employee (Angelic Layer).Although not actual characters, Kakyou and Kogane are real cats that CLAMP owns, making an appearance in Oto Country.Sōhi and Hien (aside from the two swords) (X/1999).Clover bar, with the same emblem and drinks (CLOVER).Credit card in form of a cherry flower (Cardcaptor Sakura).Seishirō Sakurazuka (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999).Attacked civilians (Magic Knight Rayearth).Makoto Ōkawa (20 Mensou ni Onegai! and CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan).Utako Ōkawa (20 Mensou ni Onegai!, CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan, and Gakuen Tokkei Duklyon).Tamara, in front of Chanan's shop (RG Veda).Karyoubinga, at Cat's Eye Cafe (RG Veda).Karura-ō and Garuda, his bird (RG Veda).Fusion of Rayearth, Selece, and Windam (Magic Knight Rayearth).Takeshi (Duklyon: Clamp School Defenders).Kentarō ( Duklyon: Clamp School Defenders).Ōto Country (name of Hinata's institute in Suki. Nyanko (stuffed animal) (Chobits, Suki.Miyuki- chan ( Miyuki-chan in Wonderland).Princess Emeraude ( Magic Knight Rayearth).Primera, at the Maganyan of the miniature city inside the lake, Omake #4 (Magic Knight Rayearth, Kobato.).Girl on the Magazine Cover, that Kurogane brought from Hanshin (Angelic Layer).The Amen-osa's emblem (Legend of Chun Hyang).The Amen'osa (Clamp School Detectives).The Kiishimu (Magic Knight Rayearth -anime).Chun'yan's mother (Legend of Chun Hyang).Ringo Seto, cover of a Maganyan magazine (Angelic Layer, Kobato.Crab from CLAMP Campus (Many CLAMP titles, especially CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan).Logo (blowfish) from CLAMP Campus (Many CLAMP titles, especially CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan).logo (many CLAMP titles, especially Angelic Layer)

cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub

Miyuki-chan (Miyuki-chan in Wonderland).Tomoyo Daidouji- anime only ( Cardcaptor Sakura).Masayoshi's Kudan ( Magic Knight Rayearth).Masayoshi Saitō ( Clamp School Detectives).Note: The white Mokona (who travels with Syaoran and the others in Tsubasa) is named Soel while the black one (who remains with Yūko and Watanuki in ×××HOLiC) is named Larg. This Ashura is not to be confused with the Ashura who appears in Shura, who is based on Ashura the protagonist of RG Veda. Note: King Ashura (Ashura-ō) is based on the dead master of the Guardian Warriors of Heaven, father of the protagonist Ashura, in RG Veda. Miyuki-chan (Miyuki-chan in Wonderland and CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan anime).The country itself is named after the Mashin Celes of Magic Knight Rayearth. Note: Celes is also known as Ceres, Seles, and Seresu (from the Del Rey translation). Seishirou Sakurazuka (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999).Note: The Province of Suwa is also a part of this world and initially appears in a book Syaoran opens in Rekord which shows Kurogane's past.

cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub

  • Syaoran Li (father) ( Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Sakura Kinomoto's star staff (Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Note: Toya, Yukito, and Fujitaka repeat their roles in the original timeline, except for Fujitaka who is in fact the "Real" King of Clow.
  • Miyuki-chan, at chapitre 184 (Miyuki-chan in Wonderland and CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan anime).
  • cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub

  • Sakura Kinomoto, the mother of 'Syaoran' ( Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Syaoran Li, the father of 'Syaoran' (Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Toya's weapon, similar to Kazuhiko's (CLOVER).
  • Clow Reed (The former King, Clone Sakura and Tōya's father, is in fact Clow Reed from Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Noticeable names and faces show up including Miyuki of Miyuki-chan in Wonderland who appears in almost all the major worlds the group visits usually with a piece of toast in her mouth or another bread product. It should be noted that, excluding the Dimensional Witch and related characters, none of these characters are the same characters from their original works, but new incarnations of the same ones. Tsubasa contains various crossover characters from various Clamp series, including Cardcaptor Sakura, RG Veda and ×××HOLiC.


    CLAMP's Crossover series for Tsubasa are: p Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE contains characters, weapons, worlds/countries or places from different series, besides from some original (which were created for this series).

    Cardcaptor sakura the movie vietsub